There was a link posted here awhile back to a site that sold disfellowshipping apparel. If someone has saved it can you please post it for me? Thanks in advance.
Victoria Cruz
there was a link posted here awhile back to a site that sold disfellowshipping apparel.
if someone has saved it can you please post it for me?
thanks in advance.. victoria cruz
There was a link posted here awhile back to a site that sold disfellowshipping apparel. If someone has saved it can you please post it for me? Thanks in advance.
Victoria Cruz
my wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
I am in 2 minds over this. First of all I do sort of want to get on with my life now that I have come to terms with all that has happened.
I was indoctrinated starting at the age of 10, baptized at 17 (1984), and I am now 34 years old. I have a lot of living to do now that I am free. I also have a beautiful 1 year old boy now too.
But also, the "BadWillie" side of me really does want to SCREAM OUT my side of the story for the whole world to hear. In the last month, since I started discovering the real "truth" about the WTS, I have had to internalize so much anger. I have driven home from work many nights shouting curse words at the GB! But, I still am not sure how many people at the even the top level are acting in a devious manner. In fact, Ray Franz even says this in both his books. So, aren't most of the members of the WTS victims themselves? How bad is the corruption at the top? As I said, I really would like to expose this if I thought I could do it without bringing too much harn to my family.
- BadWillie.
Oh please, call the whhhaaaaaaaaaaambulance. No most are not victims of the WT. A lot like being a witness. Your only a victim if you let yourself be. You went to the elders when they wanted to meet with you. I won't meet with them because what I do is none of their business. I don't know why anybody feels sorry for you. Your the dumbass that went. But some must keep the whining going instead of having the fortitude to actually move on.
my wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
I'm suggesting suing the elders not the WTS.
Maybe you should sue God, He is the one with the hatchet over everybody's head. He breeds paranoia. That's why I don't blame the WT or any other paranoid religious organization. The more people Willie "turns" against the org the more people that are going to die at Armageddon. That's how the elders look at it.
yes, i know, the title is a pun.
it was deliberate.. i can recall in the 1970s seeing very few overweight jws.
in fact, i used to think (in my arrogant jw manner) that this was a sign of how jws were better at self-control than worldly people.
ROFL! You're new here, aren't you, Victoria? Stick around and you'll eventually see why I roared with laughter at the statement above.>>
Ok I'll check some more threads out. I'm not hopeful. I have been on boards for years. JW's run around with their noses stuck up other JW's asses. And apostates have their noses stuck up other apostates asses. It's a cycle and nothing changes. =)
yes, i know, the title is a pun.
it was deliberate.. i can recall in the 1970s seeing very few overweight jws.
in fact, i used to think (in my arrogant jw manner) that this was a sign of how jws were better at self-control than worldly people.
So how many of you ex Jw's are fat asses? Or are you all just the exception? What I find funny is that you are all like drones agreeing on everything. Why do the majority of apostates have their nose stuck up each others asses? It seems like a lot of apostates haven't changed. They go from JW suck ups to Apostate "let's kiss each others asses". With the exception of a few some who seem to genuinely care about current JW's and ex Jw's.
Some of the same people who are saying "let's help these brainwashed cult people to see the light" in turn are saying JW's are bunch of fat asses and let's make fun of these poor misguided people every chance we get, because we want to help them. But a lot of you who are saying you want to help them wouldn't piss up a JW's ass if their guts were on fire.
there have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
All of the things you mentioned and other things I have wondered myself, make me question the validity of the bible. *gasp*
And now when I think about the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions, why not think that God could wipe out so many people? He has, several times. Even innocent babies. Or had them killed by "godly" men. So it's not a far off idea.
this bear has been pondering just how dangerous the word "should" is.. "should" moves us into a state of constant frustration since "should" so rarely equates with "is".. joel
Hey Joel, I remember you from AOL years ago. I was one of the fortunate one that got to see you naked as a jail bird in the wilderness. Someone told me I "should" look. Ponder no more the word "should" can be dangerous.
I had a lot of fun with you. But that was when AOL used to be fun. Now it's boring. .
yakki da.
Well they say there is 4 sisters to one brother. Maybe she got a little desperate? Beggars can't be choosers.
finally rehashed something i wrote about 5 years ago, entitled "how to create a vision of paradise":.
(randy watters mentioned something about putting part i in freeminds journal; i don't know if it ever happened)
I don't know Stephanus, I can't walk to my mail box without feeling a need to put on a gas mask and chemicle protective suit. Why not let them believe in the paradise? With everything going on I wish I still believed in it as much as I used to.
Now to Prisca, you look good. And I have a leather jacket. But there is no way in hell I can pull of leather pants. Although, I feel for you having a pic put in a post like that lol. I was a long time poster on another JW forum. Then I was a pretty good JW. But there was this one guy who posted that wasn't a JW. He was sooo nice. And a lot of the JW's really liked him even though he was anti-JW on a lot of things. But he was fair. So we started talking on the phone and we decided to meet. And of course I didn't tell any of my fellow JW posters. So we met at a party of one of his friends. One of his friends wants to take a pic. I am wearing a short dress, I have a drink in my hand, lol he has a cig in his hand and he has his arm around my waist. His friend takes the pic. Two days later a thread is started by him "Me and Victoria met!" and here is our pic. And that ended my being a "JW in good standing" to a few. But it was fun and I'm glad I did it.
i would know more to check the hebrews scripture of nwt.
and i have found also 50 errors in the greek scripure of nwt.
i need more scripure - about 100 hebrews and 100 greek scriputres.
This might be of some help. It is a JW ran group HOWEVER, this board is mainly for people of other religions (scholarly type) to counteract an argument made by witnesses regarding the Greek and at times Hebrew language. What you can do is type in either the scripture or word you think you have found error in and read the argument of the JW and an argument from a person of another faith or just a scholarly person. You can tell easily the witnesses from the non-witnesses. There are some brilliant people on there. The good thing is you can see both sides. There are tons of references there so you can buy the source and show the elder first hand if it's that important to you. Here is the link